Latest news from the Centre for Policy Development | March 2009

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  • Latest news from the Centre for Policy Development | March 2009

The Centre for Policy Development has welcomed 2009 with exciting new research, some talented new staff members and wins in education and health policy.

Policy news:

    InSight magazine | The Global Financial Crisis in Review II

    Three months on and with the Budget about to enter deficit, what lessons have we learned from the global financial crisis?

    Centre for Policy Development thinkers evaluate the crisis in this special edition of InSight, the online magazine of the Centre for Policy Development.

    NAGY: Lessons in greed, gullibility and ignorance

    TURNBULL: Remaking the economy and the financial system

    HALSTEAD: Learning from the Asian Financial Crisis and the Dot Com boom

    MURRAY AND SY: Rethinking the role of financial regulators

    SMYTH: 5 ideas in 5 minutes

    2009 events

    Centre for Policy Development events coming up in March and April:

    The Centre for Policy Development presents the National Policy Officers Conference in Canberra

    Miriam Lyons speaks at the Policy Evaluation Forum in Canberra

    James Arvanitakis launches his new book ‘Contemporary Society‘ in Sydney

    The CPD co-convenes ‘Crunchtime‘, Australia’s first progressive think tank conference. Register now!

    2009 in the news

    Centre for Policy Development thinkers in the media in January and February of 2009:

    The battle to control Australia’s fiscal policy has become an ideological war, wrote Fred Argy for Online Opinion

    Ian Dunlop explained why global warming is a global emergency for Crikey

    Steve Keen
    reminded us of the root causes of the financial crisis on ABC Online

    Ian McAuley weighed up the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission’s findings for PM, Croakey and The Age

    Ben Eltham took a look at the state of our cultural nation for New Matilda

    Read more coverage of Centre for Policy Development staff and fellows in the news.

    2009 papers

    The Centre for Policy Development proudly released their first research paper for 2009:

    Dr Ben Spies-Butcher and Adam Stebbing question why one of the least equitable (and least talked about) forms of government spending, tax expenditures, have doubled over the past 20 years.

    Download ‘Reforming Australia’s Hidden Welfare State.

    Read the Sydney Morning Herald’s coverage of Ben and Adam’s paper

    Become a friend of the Centre for Policy Development

    The Centre for Policy Development makes its research and analysis available at no charge, however publishing and promoting new policy ideas does cost money.

    Help us make good ideas matter in 2009. Become a CPD Sustainer – help sustain good ideas into the future. Your donation to the Centre for Policy Development is tax-deductible.