School for Citizens

Calling all community activists!

Ever wanted to know how to influence decision-makers about an issue that matters to you or your community? Are you somewhat baffled by the policy process? Want to know what really goes on inside the mysterious policy-making factory?

The Centre for Policy Development’s (CPD) School for Citizens is a new workshop designed to help community groups, non-government organisations and non-for-profits better understand AND affect policy processes.

With short tutorials from media professionals, government staffers and social activist Eva Cox, the School for Citizens will give community activists and workers a basic understanding of the policy cycle and the skills needed to put forward their ideas for change.

The first School for Citizens workshop will be held on Friday May 22, 2009 at the Sydney Mechanic School for Arts – Level 1, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney. Applications open now – places limited! Applications close May 9, 2009 at 5pm.

Email for more information or download an application form at the bottom of the page. Be sure to send this link to any friends or colleagues you know that could benefit from an insight into the world of policy.

The Centre for Policy Development’s School for Citizens – Ideas can change Australia