National Identity, Democracy & Racism Forum

Posing some big questions about what our national identity, a more open democracy and addressing racism mean for the progressive movement, this forum brings together some key thinkers to ponder some big ideas about where we’ve been and where we are heading. Including three CPD people – James Arvanitakis, Lindy Edwards and Antoinette Abboud – it promises much food for thought and action.

Speakers include:

Lydia Miller
Prof Ghassan Hage
Sally McManus
Dr James Arvanitakis
Dr Chris Ho
Dr Lindy Edwards
Prof Jock Collins

NSW Teachers Federation, Meeting Rooms 1-3, Level 1, 23-33 Mary St, Surry Hills (5 mins walk from Central Station)

Cost: $10 ($5), includes afternoon tea
RSVP by Thursday, October 15 to troyh(at)

This event is the fifth in a series of roundtable discussions as part of its Project for Left Renewal by the SEARCH Foundation. For a full program and more details, click here.