All Posts By

Phil Lynch

A Win For Human Rights In The High Court

The Human Rights Law Resource Centre and GetUp! issued a constitutional challenge to amendments to the electoral laws last month. Today’s High Court decision has restored the right to vote to over 100,000 Australians,...

Human Rights Policy In Our Region

There are many ways that the next Australian government could work to implement better human rights policy in the Asia Pacific. Phil Lynch continues his policy recommendations

Human Rights in the Asia Pacific

The next Australian government should develop a comprehensive policy on human rights in the Asia-Pacific. In the first of two posts on Australia and the region, Phil Lynch maps out the priorities

What is Australia’s Role in the World?

Human rights, foreign policy and Australia’s national identity: why aren’t we talking more about Australian values and identity this election campaign, asks Phil Lynch

Business and Human Rights: Time for Leadership at Home and Abroad

Why isn’t the Australian Government taking a leading role in promoting a rigorous human rights and business agenda? The reasons to do so are too compelling to ignore, argues Phil Lynch

Promoting and Protecting the Right to Vote

Last week GetUp! and the Human Rights Law Resource centre announced a proposed constitutional action to protect voting rights. Phil Lynch explains the legal basis of the challenge

Human Rights 2010 – Ten Policies for a Fairer Australia

Phil Lynch has ten policy proposals for the next Australian Government to protect and promote human rights