Democratic Renewal

Upgrading Democracy: Opening Windows

CPD’s Executive Director Miriam Lyons reflects on the difference between stronger Freedom of Information laws and an ‘open access’ mindset, and argues that it’s time to open the windows of government and let some...

Introduction – Martin Stewart Weeks

Taking off his many hats – including as a member of the Government 2.0 Taskforce – Martin Stewart-Weeks connects the Government 2.0 concept to the bigger challenge of creating new ways to govern.

Case Study: OpenAustralia on Practical Transparency and Gov2.0

Katherine Szuminska, co-founder of OpenAustralia, looks at what transparency means in a Government 2.0 world, and at how to go about implementing it. She draws on the radically transparent approach of OpenAustralia itself as...

Government 2.0: Crossing or Creating Digital Divides?

Dr Peter Chen, of the University of Sydney, asks ‘What social contract lies at the heart of Government 2.0?’ He argues that the real question for Government 2.0 enthusiasts is how this approach defines...

Culture in the New Order

Stephen Collins identifies key aspects of public sector culture and management that will need to change if Government 2.0 is to have any real success. And he calls for all public servant supporters of...

Identifying and Managing the Risks of (not) Engaging Online

Matt Crozier and Crispin Butteriss, from Bang the Table, outline key mechanisms for managing the risks of online engagement, but point out that the bigger risk is faced by those who don’t engage.

Case Study: Collaborating with the Crowd for Better Policy Development

Mark Elliot, Darren Sharp and Matt Cooperrider from Collabforge draw on their experience with successful collaborative policy development projects to provide guidelines for effective community engagement in the policy process.

Rebooting Australia?

Lee Bryant and James Dellow, of Europe’s leading social technology consultancy, Headshift, propose the application of some 21st century solutions to Australia’s problems: use government spending to seed innovation; harness people power for rapid,...

Help us make CPD a 2.0 think-tank

The Centre for Policy Development, which originated from an online policy portal, is very interested in expanding the circle of citizens involved in the research and development of policy ideas. 

Promise versus Practice: the Dilemma of Open Government

Meet Kevin Page. He is the Parliamentary Budget Officer, and is one of the linchpins of accountability and transparency in Canada. And now the Government that installed him wants to shut him down. In...