Democratic Renewal

Case Study: South Australia’s Plan for Open Access Government

In 2004, the South Australian state government introduced a whole-of-state Strategic Plan for South Australia, with data transparency at its heart. Amy King looks at the successes achieved in South Australia as a model...

InSight Edition | August 2009 | Upgrading Democracy

As the internet continues to make transparency and collaboration cheaper and easier, governments around the world face increasing pressure to become more open and more participatory. This edition of InSight looks at the idea...

How to remove the plague on both their houses

James Arvanitakis examines how to undo the damage that scandals like Utegate do to our democracy

Beyond FOI

Miriam Lyons looks at the future of Freedom of Information reform now that John ‘the hipster’ Faulkner’s eagle eye is gazing elsewhere.

Good Policy Isn’t Always Enough

The easiest part of Dr Ken Henry’s job will be designing a better tax system for Australia. Selling it to the Australia people will be the bigger challenge writes Michael Richardson

Putting the politics back into ‘Politics’: James Arvanitakis

Fellow James Arvanitakis asks why the myth persists that young people aren’t interested in politics (when they clearly are).

School for Citizens

Time is running out! If you’ve ever wanted to know how to influence decision-makers about an issue that matters to you or your community, apply for the School for Citizens workshop. The School for...

Barry Saunders welcomes Faulkner’s changes to the FOI laws

Senator John Faulkner’s announcement of changes to Australia’s Freedom of Information (FOI) laws is long overdue, and his approach promises to address a number of concerns about FOI in Australia, says CPD Research Coordinator...

CPD Executive Director at the Public Policy Development and Evaluation Forum

Centre for Policy Development Executive Director Miriam Lyons spoke at the Public Policy Development and Evaluation Forum in Canberra (ACT) on March 24, 2009.

John Menadue at Victorian Healthcare Association annual conference

CPD Board Director John Menadue will ask ‘What is a health service for? Where is the strategy in health reform?’ at the Victorian Healthcare Association’s annual conference, ‘Realising Reform’, on Friday, October 17 2008.