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Preparing for the long haul on climate change: A one-day roundtable

This roundtable in Brisbane on August 29 will focus on community and business governance in the era of climate change, with keynote speaker Professor Thomas Homer-Dixon, author of The Upside of Down, and CPD...

Greenhouse solutions: breaking down the barriers

Dr Mark Diesendorf knows what belongs in the climate change policy toolkit. Now we just need policy makers to stop arguing about which tool is better and get on with the job.

Safe choice for a change

Miriam Lyons wrote for the Sydney Morning Herald’s News Review feature on the secrets of Rudd’s success

Towards a realistic climate change policy

The Emissions Trading Task Group is a creature of another age – an age before we knew just how seriously our activities were jeapardising the climate. Former senior oil & coal industry executive Ian...

Qantas sale: flying blind into turbulent times

The threat of climate change and the sale of Qantas have sat cheek-by-jowl on the business pages in recent weeks – but no one has spotted the link between the two. Former head of...

Lessons from the golden state

Longtime climate campaigner Danny Kennedy is moving home to California to join the renewable energy boom. He describes the lessons Australia can learn from a state that isn't afraid to back winners in the...

Pushing the laggard nation – hard

Climate change is, without a doubt, the single biggest threat facing humanity. Yet the resistance of governments to tackling it is mind-boggling. The fumbling around by governments at all levels, the slowness with which...

Climate change: Howard holds a monkey wrench

Australia’'s top ‘climate change skeptic’ is not just opting out of Kyoto, but sabotaging it, writes Barry Naughten

America is swapping sides in the climate war we aren’t fighting

As the US shapes up for a low-carbon diet, Australia is stuck in a carbon-bloated economy that gets fatter every day, writes Corin Millais

Power to the market

If nuclear power is the answer to climate change, says Paul Gilding, let it fend for itself without government subsidies. If we put a price on carbon emissions we can leave the market to...