
The Centre for Policy Development has grown out of the policy development work of online magazine New Matilda. It is now an entirely seperate and independent organization.

New Matilda was launched in August 2004 to promote truth and accountability in government, to provide an independent media outlet, and to develop policies based on the public good. A separate ‘policy portal’ was added to New Matilda’s website and weekly email in July 2005. Reclaiming our Common Wealth was launched in 2006, and the policy portal rapidly evolved into a ‘virtual think tank’; developing bold new ideas, stimulating debate, and promoting practical and sustainable policy solutions.

By late 2006 it was apparent that the two parts of New Matilda had outgrown each other. The New Matilda board agreed to explore the option of separating the Policy Portal from the Magazine and setting it up as an independent think tank, so that both parts of the enterprise could reach their potential. Board member and shareholder Duncan Turpie expressed an interest in investing in the magazine: his offer was accepted by New Matilda shareholders at an AGM in February 2007.

Under Duncan’s ownership, New Matilda continues to provide an independent media voice, delivering accessible, informed comment on significant issues in Australia and abroad.

The Centre for Policy Development has taken over the policy research and development work of New Matilda and moved it onto a new platform where it can grow in depth and range. Founding chairman of New Matilda John Menadue is now on the board of the Centre for Policy Development and former Policy Coordinator Miriam Lyons is Executive Director.

That’s where we came from – the best way to find out what we’re up to these days is to sign up to our email list