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Donate to CPD

Join our mission for a fair, sustainable, inclusive future by solving the toughest policy challenges facing Australia and our region.

Imagine a society that fosters equal opportunity and justice, an economy powered by clean, innovative, and productive solutions, a government that is effective and proactive, and a nation renowned for its leadership and cooperation. This is the future we envision at CPD, and with your support, we can make it a reality.

The independent, rigorous work we do to create deep, lasting systems change is made possible thanks to the generosity and unwavering support from our valued donors who share our vision for a more just, sustainable, and prosperous future. 

By making a tax-deductible donation to CPD, you are not only investing in a brighter future for Australia and the region, but also making a tangible impact on the policy environment and, ultimately, on the lives of millions of Australians. Together, we can create the future we all deserve.

Following your donation, you will receive a receipt.  If you have made an error or have changed your mind about donating, please contact us at within 48 hours and we will process a full refund.
We do not share or sell your data, in line with our Privacy Policy.