Energy Security: The Real Story on Fossil Fuels

Do you know why petrol is so expensive? What’s the real story behind
the recent price hikes? What’s the science behind the spin about peak oil?

The Whitlam Insitute (as part of the University of Western Sydney) focus on fossil fuels in the second in their Energy Securities series, to be held at Riverside Theatre, Parramatta, Sydney on June 19, 2008.

Ian Dunlop, CPD fellow, well-known peak oil commentator and former fossil fuel scientist will speak with other guest speakers including Dr Beverley Ronalds, from CSIRO Petroleum, Allen Lowe, a
sustainable coal researcher.

The Energy Security series brings experts from industry and academic together to present the latest scientific research on
oil, gas and coal to members of the general public.

Click here for the Energy Securities Program or view highlights from the first session.

Bookings are now open through the Riverside Theatre.
