Common Ground: climate change

Common Ground: a public lecture series with a difference.

Ahead of the release of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme White Paper in December, the need for optimism and constructive discussion about climate change is stronger than ever.

The Centre for Policy Development brings you a Common Ground discussion on climate change with the topic ‘Australia should lead, not follow’.

Join keynote speakers Bob Carr (former Premier, NSW), Pru Goward (NSW Shadow Minister for Climate Change) and a diverse panel of voices: Fiona Wain (Environment Business Australia), Steve Hatfield-Dodds (former CSIRO, now Department of Climate Change), Andrew Bartlett (former Democrats) and Imam Afroz Ali (from the ‘Australian Religious Response to Climate Change’ initiative).

What? Common Ground: Climate ChangeWhere? Barnet Long Room, Customs House (Sydney)When? Wednesday November 26 2008. 5:30pm for drinks and light rereshments – 7:30pm.Who? Bob Carr, Pru Goward, Afroz Ali and Fiona Wain with an introduction by Steve Hatfield-DoddsRSVP essential! Click through to REGISTER ONLINE

Why Common Ground?
Everyone loves a good slanging match but Australia is getting tired of political debates between ‘usual suspects’ with fixed and predictable opinions. Support for a fairer, more sustainable society now comes from all quarters.

Common Ground hands the microphone to speakers who wouldn’t normally be expected to agree – people from different backgrounds, opposing political parties, or conflicting interest groups – and invites them to reflect on what they have in common. By doing so we shine a spotlight on areas where there is potential to move beyond false divides and tired old debates to achieve real change.
