How you can support CPD’s Stimulus Appeal

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  • How you can support CPD’s Stimulus Appeal

Don't panic! Support our stimulus






At CPD we think there are many reasons to be hopeful as we work for
positive change to the policies that will affect our lives well into
the 21st century.

There are many things we can still do to avoid the ‘triple crunch’
and steer our economy and environment towards a more sustainable and
fairer future. The Sustainable Economy Program is one of our key
projects for 2009 and it aims to do just that.

At CPD, we do not have a marketing or fundraising budget, so we rely
on the help of our wonderful supporters and some clever (and usually
free) online tools to help promote the amazing work we do.

As well as making a donation to our Stimulus Appeal, here are just some of the ways you can promote our appeal:

1.    Tell your friends about it
– simply forward the stimulus appeal email to at least 20 friends and CC us (
into the email. To say thanks, we’ll send the first 50 of you a back
issue of the excellent Griffith Review. Just contact us if you haven’t
received our Stimulus Appeal email yet and we will send it to you.

2.    Join the CPD crew on Facebook – our Facebook group is, funnily enough, called ‘Centre for Policy Development’.
Here’s the link to the group
Join us and then ask your Facebook friends to do the same.

3.    Facebook or Twitter about us – use your updates to tell your friends about the Stimulus Appeal – they can donate here: and it’s tax deductible.

4.    Upload our web buttons to your site – here are some great web buttons that you can include on your website or blog

5.    RSS Feed CPD – if you’ve got a website or blog, why not
keep your readers updated with all our great ideas by simply including
our RSS Feed. You could start by syndicating our fortnightly Thinking Points
columns – talking points for thinking people. For special-interest
blogs (environment, health, democracy, etc) you can get an RSS feed for
just that topic by clicking on the RSS icon at the bottom of the Thinking Points page.

6.    Tell your workmates – use your next staff meeting or event
to tell others about the great work of CPD that you are supporting.
Contact us for donation forms, our papers and other material you may
need about CPD.

7.    Got your own promotion idea? Contact us on or 02 9264 0263 with any more ideas about how you can help spread the word and rustle up support for our Stimulus Appeal.

With your help we can make the Sustainable Economy Program happen. Thank you.  Use your stimulus package to stimulate ideas.
