More than luck: ideas Australia needs now

The Centre for Policy Development published an e-book of good policy ideas for the government that wins the 2010 federal election. The e-book has contributions from CPD fellows and other writers and researchers, capturing their ambitious, progressive ideas for the next federal government.

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Download More than Luck: Ideas Australia needs now in PDF. Or grab your copy for Kindle or mobile here.

|| YOUR IDEAS || We’d love to hear your thoughts on what a progressive government with real backbone could do to change this country for the better. By publishing More than luck as an e-book we’ve made it possible to comment on each chapter – please do dive in, debate the ideas and help to make them better. You can also comment on the regular analysis from the authors throughout the five-week campaign period.

“The challenges Australia faces are far too great to be sacrificed to short-term fixes and an obsession with winning battles in an ever shrinking media cycle. The thinkers at the Centre for Policy Development cut through this and point to policy alternatives based on values that I think most of the community shares. Progressive citizens and politicians alike should pay attention.” Stephen Jones, Labor MP for Throsby

“Voters have become sceptical about politics at a time when bold reforms are needed. We need to create a vision for the society we want and the legacy we hope to leave to future generations. More Than Luck is a reminder of the policy changes necessary to achieve this. I’ll be passing my copy around the office.” Bob Brown, Leader of the Australian Greens.

“Ideas in Australia have traditionally been looked on as an endangered species, their manner steadily diminishing under the assault of sports and shock jocks and surviving only in protected habitats like the universities and the ABC. With More Than Luck, the prized Centre for Policy Development is now making a determined effort to release them back into the wild. It’s a tough world out there, but with this book the CPD is launching ideas that combine conscience, intellect and survival smarts. May they breed and multiply. Austraila needs the CPD now more than ever.” Dennis Moriarty, Managing Director of Our Community.


ABOUT THE BOOK: MORE THAN LUCK – Ideas Australia Needs Now

Edited by Mark Davis (author of Land of Plenty) and CPD Executive Director Miriam Lyons, More Than Luck is both a collection of ideas for citizens who want real change and a to-do list for politicians looking to base public policies on the kind of future Australians really want. The book shows what’s needed to share this country’s good luck amongst all Australians – now and in the future.

Read more than luck here:
