CPSU | Public servants: invisible heroes or easy targets?

With CPD’s The State of the Australian Public Service: An Alternative Report revealing that it would take an extra 50,000 public servants to reach the number of APS staff per capita that we had in 1990, CPSU National Secretary Nadine Flood offered vocal support.

“It’s wake up call for those politicians who continue to call for an axe to be taken to the public sector. It shows that their attacks on the public sector are not supported by the community.

“In fact, most Australians support government playing an active role in society and the economy. It also confirms that most people have a higher level of confidence in public service agencies than in major companies.

“The report highlights the damaging role the mainstream media and our politicians play by talking down the public sector. Why do Australian politicians feel they need to trot out the same tired and groundless stereotypes about the men and women of the APS?” asked Ms Flood.

To read the full report, click here.