Climate Spectator | $25bn of Australia’s ‘ocean economy’ unaccounted for, at risk

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  • Climate Spectator | $25bn of Australia’s ‘ocean economy’ unaccounted for, at risk

Online media outlet ClimateSpectator covers the release of our new article; Stocking Up: Securing Our Marine Economy (available for Download here).  The article focuses on the key features of the report, reinforcing the economic evaluations associated with Australia’s oceans – praising the report as an innovative method of offering a new perspective on a preexisting issue.

‘CPD says the report, which is due to be formally released in Canberra on Tuesday, is groundbreaking, in that it fills a gap between the scientific knowledge of our oceans and the poor understanding of the economic and social value they provide

“Many, many decisions in business and government are made on the basis of cost and benefit,” says Eadie.

“Describing some of those most invaluable aspects of nature …in dollar terms can actually make them more real to decision makers… and mean that they’re not overlooked.” 

Read the complete article here

READ the key findings & recommendations in Stocking Up: Securing Our Marine Economy here.

DOWNLOAD the report here
