Tim Marshall | Australia’s oceans need to be promoted in economic terms

Following the release of CPD’s research paper, Stocking Up: Securing our Marine Economy, Sustainable Economy Research Director Laura Eadie was interviewed by ABC Rural host Tim Marshall.

The worth of Australia’s ocean resources, is grossly undervalued. Officially, they’re worth $44 billion. Healthy marine ecosystem services yield an added benefit of $25 billion.

Australia’s ecological infrastructure, with the highest marine biodiversity in the world, is “too often out of sight, and out of mind”.

With commercial fisheries, tourism, and recreational fishing playing a critical role in Australia’s economy and social life, it’s critical that we maintain

63% of the world’s assessed fished stocks are overfished, while in Australia that level is at 42% of Australia’s Commonwealth fish stocks.

For long term prosperity in our marine economy as an asset base, for our current and future jobs economy. This is an economic issue, in addition to an economic issue.

“It just makes good business sense”, Laura said.

To hear the full interview, click here.
