Reforming Public Services Summit | Melbourne, 7-8 May 2012

Real reform towards citizen-centred social policy
 and empowered users of public services

Why a Summit on Reforming Public Services? Reform of public services has been a constant theme amongst governments, policy officials, and service delivery organisations for the last two decades.

Despite the constant talk, real change towards citizen-centred social policy and empowered users of public services is hard to find. What is more common is a pattern of frequently restructured financing arrangements for service delivery and re-badged programs which have little impact on the experience of users of services. For instance, in the name of ‘health reform’, the Commonwealth Government has in the last 18 months established no fewer than eight new national statutory authorities to administer health care.

This Summit over two days will review the progress, and the stalemate, in reform of public services, and explore prospects and strategies for reform.

Full details and registration here>


Proudly supported by the Centre for Policy Development’s Public Service Research Program.

The CPD Public Service Program aims to develop a robust knowledge base about the state of the public service: its funding and capacity; performance in delivering community services; and attitudes toward and expectations of the Australian Public Service. Click here to read more.

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