FAQ Research | Coal Seam Gas – Behind the Seams

Coal Seam Gas – Behind the Seams, is an exciting and extremely necessary project, run by FAQ Research in conjunction with Crikey, examining all aspects of the Coal Seam Gas issue in the lead up to the Queensland state election on March 24.

Impacting directly on farmers, rural and regional communities and the environment, CSG exploration and extraction also raises big questions about the future of our state, of our nation, and of our planet. As with many such controversies, claims and counter-claims fly, and PR and political spin hides the truth.

The project will combine informational articles on scientific, social and political aspects of the impact of CSG on Queenslanders with real time discussions, and frequently updated social media content. They will also be reporting from the ground, and stimulating deliberative and interactive discussions. This cauldron of ideas will sit on FAQ Research’s website and Crikey’s dedicated blog, allowing users to test their point of view against expert knowledge.

FAQ Research need your support! Want to help contribute to an interactive and stimulating initiative? Donations can be made here

For more information on Coal Seam Gas – Behind the Seams, please visit the project’s website here

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