Melissa Sweet | Gonski review has a lot to teach the health system: Consumers Health Forum

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  • Melissa Sweet | Gonski review has a lot to teach the health system: Consumers Health Forum

Melissa Sweet considers the recommendations of the Gonski Report in terms of current approached to, and funding of, healthcare. She sites a statement made by Carol Bennett, CEO of the Consumers Health Forum, who highlights the aspects of the report which are relevant to Australia’s current healthcare crisis.

“The cry of “nanny state” is often used to oppose public health measures that are in the public interest but threaten powerful private interests.

Perhaps the cry of “class warfare” falls into the same category when it comes to social reforms that are in the broader public interest.

That is one question arising from suggestions the Government is unlikely to act on Gonksi’s recommendations for a more equitable, rational basis for funding schools, for fear of being accused of “class warfare”.”

Read the complete article on Croakey: The Crickey Health Blog here.