ACU Voice | Refugees: Human Rights and Our Ethical Obligations, 29 March, Sydney

There are more than 5,700 asylum seekers and refugees in immigration detention centres across Australia. More than two-thirds have been in detention for at least six months, and 97 people have been held for more than two years.

Is it ethical to detain individuals who have fled from persecution and war? How long is too long? What role do we as a country play in protecting their human rights? And how does our treatment of refugees compare to other developed nations?

You are invited to join the first ACU Voice debate of 2012 as key speaker Dr Deborah Zion explores the ethics surrounding the treatment of refugees. Led by award-winning journalist Geraldine Doogue, an exciting panel of experts, including CPD founder and Board Director John Menadue and ACU’s Father Frank Brennan, will join the discussion.

When: 29th March 2012 5:30pm. Drinks & canapés served from 5.30pm; debate from 6 – 8pm

Where: The Australian Museum Theatrette – 6 College Street, Sydney (entry via William Street Reception)

Cost: Free – please extend this invitation to friends, family & colleague

RSVP: By Thursday 22 March, at

Contact: For more information, please contact Natalie Sanders on (02) 9739 2221 or email

This is the second event in the free ACU Voice public speaker series. A further three events will be held in 2012 – stay tuned to their website for updates.


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