UK’s “Big Society” Alarming Parallels for Australia | Pro Bono News

Pro Bono Australia has published an article on the Centre for Policy Development’s new report, “Big Society and Australia“, which offers an analysis of the Big Society policy agenda being implemented in the United Kingdom and potential impacts if such changes were introduced in Australia.

The article quotes the report’s author, Dr James Whelan, as stating that “A close look at ‘Big Society’ reveals the disconnect between its pro-community rhetoric and its small government reality. It’s a new sales pitch for unpopular ideas like privatisation and cuts to public services, wrapped up in language that has widespread appeal.” Pro Bono Australia also observes that “The strain caused by the UK’s budget cuts has led to the closure of many community services that relied on both government funding and volunteers. Big Society and Australia argues that volunteerism and philanthropy must be valued, but they cannot fill the gap left by a significant withdrawal of public spending.”

Read a the complete Pro Bono Australia News article here.

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