Miriam Lyons: Preserving our marine wealth | ABC Rural Report, 27 June 2012

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  • Miriam Lyons: Preserving our marine wealth | ABC Rural Report, 27 June 2012

ABC RN – The Rural Report for Western Victoria and South East SA, 27 June

Miriam Lyons was interviewed for this report by Cassandra Hough.

How do you put a price tag on the priceless?

Independent think tank, the Centre for Policy Development will release a report today that aims to actually put a dollar value on the services the proposed marine parks would do for the environment.

Centre for Policy Development executive director Miriam Lyons says they’ve found in the long term the marine parks will be a big win for the environment and fishermen.

Access ABC Radio The Rural Report here

Access the CPD Preserving our marine wealth report here