Pavan Sukhdev | Corporation 2020 | Sydney, 3 December 2012

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  • Pavan Sukhdev | Corporation 2020 | Sydney, 3 December 2012

Corporation 2020: the engine of tomorrow’s green economy? 

Economist Pavan Sukhdev, a leading strategist in sustainable practice, returns to Australia to share his vision of a global green economy as explored in his latest book Corporation 2020: Transforming business for tomorrow’s world.  Global in scale and multilateral in approach, the book reimagines the corporation as an agent for positive change in the economy, society and the natural environment. CPD will host this free event in partnership with Sydney Ideas and the new book will be available on the night from Gleebooks. Come along to find out how the gains made by corporations in the areas of job and wealth creation can continue under a more sustainable and equitable model. 

6 to 7.30pm, Monday 3 Dec, Law School foyer, University of Sydney

This free event is open to all, but registration on is essential

Download Pavan Sukhdev, ‘Corporation 2020’ backgrounder
