Farm smarter for the future | The Land, 20 November 2012

Key farming media feature CPD research

Matthew Cawood wrote about the CPD report, Farming Smarter, Not Harder, for The Land, Stock and Land and Farm Weekly. Referencing the difficulties faced by farmers in improving environmental outcomes and land usage, the article summarises the report’s conclusions on how cost control involving the recognition and management of ecosystem services is needed to maintain competitiveness in the Asian market.

 CPD wants ecosystem services put on the farming books. Ecosystem services include the natural fertility-building capacity of soils, better capture and retention of rainfall by healthy soil, and the recharge and filtering of waterways by healthy ecosystems.

All these things contribute to farming’s bottom line, without ever being considered by the farm accountant or being recognised in GDP.

Key Tasmanian newspaper The Advocate also picked up on  Farming Smarter, Not Harder, and the response of the National Farmers’ Federation, whose chief executive Matt Linnegar welcomed the report’s “push for  for a greater discussion regarding agricultural policy”.

Access article Farm smarter for the future article on The Land website

Access Report shows need for sustainable practices article on The Advocate website
