AGL Blog | 4 June

A piece on The Conversation well worth a read

CPD research director for the Sustainable economy program, Laura Eadie has had a gratifying response to her article in  The Conversation last week. Aside from over 50 direct comments, the article was also republished in The Brisbane Times, and perhaps most remarkably was recommended on the blog of major energy company AGL – valuable exposure for progressive ideas, to business interests and consumers alike.

In the article to which this refers, Laura argued for policies to support consumers who choose to capture solar energy, in the face of recent industry calls to penalise them to ensure they share network maintenance costs. According to expert industry commentator Tim Nelson 

[The] piece by Laura Eadie is well worth a read. It is a very sensible contribution to a very difficult topic. Much has been said in the media recently about restructuring tariffs with regard to solar PV. However, little has been said about the need to consider tariffs more broadly and the importance of price signals for encouraging efficient energy use.

Read and (please!) comment on the AGL blogpost

Read Laura Eadie’s article, on The Conversation

Read Laura Eadie’s article in The Brisbane Times


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