ABC TV Q&A | 8 July 2013

Reforms, Solutions & Compromise. Miriam_Lyons_Q&A

CPD executive director Miriam Lyons weighs in on ABC’s latest Q&A.

Tony Jones hosts Shadow Minister Malcolm Turnbull, the new Deputy Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, writer and comedian Corinne Grant, editorial cartoonist for The Australian newspaper Bill Leak and our own Miriam Lyons for the panel on ABC. They answer questions on the Labor leadership reform, the NBN, emissions trading scheme and why Tony Abbott refuses to debate policy with Kevin Rudd.

Miriam was well received in the Twittersphere during and after the program, where she was hailed as  bringing a “breath of fresh air”, being “a voice of reason in the rabble” and “introducing common sense” to the discussion. Also, Miriam was unafraid to refer to the Coalition’s Real Solutions bullkit (sorry, booklet):

“It’s full of superficial slogans. You know, I think that this regulation, you know, we’re going to save a billion dollars by cutting regulation example is great. What regulation are you going to cut: the bank regulation that was so effective in shepherding Australia through difficult economic times where we, you know, ended up suffering from the global financial crisis a lot less because we had a well-regulated sector? Are we going to cut regulation of, say, installing home insulation?”


Watch the episode or read the transcript on the ABC website


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