St James Ethics Centre ‘Australia is still the land of the ‘fair go” IQ2Oz debate | Sydney, 12 Sept

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IQ2 Fair go debates 2013

Symbolised in the Eureka Flag that flew over the stockade, the Australian ideal of a ‘fair go’ for all was supposed to overturn older ideas of class and privilege. Has this ideal withered over time? Do the conditions of life in contemporary Australia mock our pretensions to be a land of the ‘fair go’ – if ever such a place existed beyond the imagination of a few?


City Recital Hall, Angel Place, Sydney


Thursday 12 September 2013, 6:45pm

Miriam Lyons on The Drum 15 Aug 2013CONTACT

City Recital Hall box office: (02) 8256 2222 or 1300 797 118



More information and tickets from: City Recital Hall

Speakers for: Speakers against:
Amanda VanstoneProf. Peter ShergoldAkram Azimi (2013 Young Australian of the Year) Dr Bob BrownMiriam LyonsLarissa Behrendt