The Greens food plan draws on CPD research

‘Our Food Our Future: The Greens Plan for Australia’s Food Security’greens-logo

Greens leader Christine Milne launched ‘Our Food Future’ last week with an online discussion answering questions live. Viewers were able to post questions in a forum with Imogen Birley, staff member to Christine Milne, who answered questions that were not addressed in the live broadcast. During the discussion Imogen Birley brought up CPD’s report from last November Farming Smarter, Not Harder 

“Centre for Policy Development produced a great report “Farming Smarter Not Harder” – which give some excellent ideas on how we implement more R&D, restore soil, support farmers”

CPD will be releasing follow up research next month from Farming Smarter, Not Harder

Download Farming Smarter, Not Harder report in full

Watch the Greens party broadcast
