Pushing our luck launch: Sydney Ideas | 26 September

SydneyIdeasPushing our luck: ideas for Australian progress FREE launch event

Sydney Ideas forum

What are the ten big issues that will shape this country for the next ten years? From school education to cultural integration, climate responsibility to economic strategy and social welfare to fairer taxation, Pushing our luck, puts policy into perspective. Dust off those weary post-election brains and join us for a conversation that just might revive your zest for political debate in this country!

CPD executive director and Pushing our luck editor, Miriam Lyons, joins Rebecca Huntley and contributing authors Geoff Gallop, Roy Green, Ian McAuley and Jane Caro for a vibrant discussion and debate.

Rebecca HuntleyWHERE

Law School Foyer, Eastern Avenue, The University of Sydney


Thursday 26 September, 2013. 6:30pm to 8:00pm


Sydney Ideas
T| 9351 2943
E| sydney.ideas@sydney.edu.au


FREE but please register now!  |  Join the Facebook event!


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