Radio National Life Matters | 23 September 2013


Is the federal election the only time to question policy?

Pushing our luck: ideas for Australian progress


Questions such as ‘what sort of government do we want?’ and ‘what sorts of policy do we want implemented?’ arise with federal elections, but is that the only time we should consider them? CPD’s new book Pushing our luck looks well beyond the 2013 campaigns, at policies which focus on long-term goals for a better future. As Miriam put it in this interview, the book is about how to make Australia’s prosperity last, and how to share it fairly.

Geoff Gallop

Covering an ailing health system, education reforms and taxation a range of expert authors have contributed to come up with 10 key ideas for the future. CPD executive director and Pushing our luck editor Miriam Lyons, with leading academic and former WA premier Geoff Gallop, joined Natasha Mitchell on Radio National’s Life Matters.

“Progressives in Australia are still licking their wounds after the staggering defeat of Labor in the election a few weeks back, but a new book is calling for the left to seriously engage in some new possibilities for Australia’s future.”


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Short-term thinking cannot address Australia’s long-term dilemmas – Help us look further ahead!


