The Greens Caring for our soil | 30 August 2013

Investing in a soil health strategy…

A new initiative from The Greens aims to protect Australia’s agricultural productivity from soil degradation. ‘Caring for our soil. Investing in a soil health strategy’ outlines their plans on how to invest in the agricultural industry which will help fund and drive innovative progress in farming techniques that will also help cut back on water use and fertiliser costs. This policy is based on a key recommendation from CPD’s 2012 report Farming smarter, not harder by Laura Eadie and Christopher Stone.

“”By investing in the delivery of regenerative agricultural practices, we can deliver strong financial returns for farmers as well as providing environmental benefits. The CPD found that acting now to improve soil condition could increase wheat production by up to $2.1 billion per year.”

Read more on The Greens website or download the report Investing in a Soil Health Strategy

Find out about Farming smarter, not harder


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