AEGN 2013 Annual Conference | 29-31 October, Melbourne

AEGN-logoCapacity in this critical decade

The Australian Environmental Grantmakers Network is holding their 2013 Annual Conference in Melbourne. This year CPD’s executive director Miriam Lyons will be joining an expert panel on ‘Politics, policy and environmental philanthropy‘ with John Hewson, Rob Purves and Michelle Grady. They will discuss what challenges and issues the environment faces and how can philanthropy address them?.

“We often hear that we are in the critical decade for the health and future of our environment and the systems it supports. But are we ready for the opportunities this presents? Who are our eNGO partners and are they equipped to take on this decade? Do we have the leadership required to take us on this journey?”



Treetops, Melbourne Museum


Tuesday 29 – Thursday 31 October 2013


AEGN 2013 Annual Conference

*Please note this event is for grantmakers, not open public