Working Life | 14 October 2013

A homeless working classLHeapworking

Insecure jobs are costing Australians

Recent findings by Lisa Heap has shown that up to 40% of Australian homeless people are in fact working. Furthermore 40% of all working people are face with insecure work. Australia has a job market of insecure work that leaves workers with unsure hours and no guarantee of ongoing employment. In Pushing our luck Lisa explores the working crisis Australia faces with her chapter, ‘Taking the high road: a future that works for workers’.

“For those of us who believe our society should be based on fairness, equality and the health of our communities, this is a damning statistic that should act as a call to action.

In a wealthy country, such as Australia, it can’t be considered fair that a person can have a job and still not be able to secure proper housing.”

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