Sunshine Coast Daily | 26 November 2013

Caroline Hoisington photo by the seasideEconomist: Keep NSW marine parks for at least 15 years

Coastal coverage for CPD’s Marine protection dividend paper

According to the newsdesk covering over ten local papers on the NSW and Queensland coasts, CPD fellow Caroline Hoisington wrote that marine parks in NSW have not been in place long enough to determine environmental benefits.

A FORMER World Bank economist has called on the Federal Government to keep marine parks on the New South Wales’ coast for at least 15 years before abandoning the protected areas.

… Ms Hoisington wrote that the parks off the NSW coast were, in ecological terms, “still in their infancy”, also arguing they were already paying dividends to local communities through tourism.

The paper argues the Solitary Island and Jervis Bay marine parks brought a 20% increase to local business turnover and $2.4 million into the local regions, respectively.

Read the Sunshine Coast Daily article online

Read CPD OP34 Marine Protection Dividend paper



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