CANCELLED: Managing for the 21st Century: Design and Innovation in Public Sector Governance | 19 February 2014

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  • CANCELLED: Managing for the 21st Century: Design and Innovation in Public Sector Governance | 19 February 2014

Event cancelled.

It is with much regret that UTS and CPD have had to cancel the seminar with Professor Charles Sabel. Unfortunately, Professor Sabel has had to withdraw from all events today. We apologise for any inconvenience caused to guests planning to attend.

FREE panel discussion with leading US thinker Prof Charles Sabel. Book NOW!

Panellists: Jane Treadwell, Nicholas Gruen & CPD’s Travers McLeod.

Trends shaping this century will challenge the role and function of governments like no other. We are already seeing some impacts of accelerated, structural change in the global economy. Ageing populations, fiscal pressures, resource scarcity, automation, connectivity and systemic risk will require agility and innovation in the design and delivery of public goods and services.

CPD is delighted to be partnering with the University of Technology, Sydney, to host Professor Charles Sabel, a leading international expert on how government and industry can learn and adapt. We are also thrilled that Nicholas Gruen and Jane Treadwell will be participating in the event along with CPD’s newly appointed Chief Executive Officer Travers McLeod to offer specific experience on design and delivery in the Australian context.

Please join us at UTS on 19 February to hear Professor Sabel’s insights – and the reactions of Nicholas Gruen, Jane Treadwell and Travers McLeod – on experimental governance for Australia. Professor Roy Green, Dean of the UTS Business School, will be MC.

UTS Business School imageWhen:

Wednesday 19 February, 5:30-7:30pm


UTS Business School Building 5 Quay St Haymarket. (Business Law Entrance. Take Lift on left to Level 5. Turn left. Room B 518 Graduate School of Business)
Refreshments from 5pm Graduate School of Business Lounge Level 5

Key speakers:

Prof. Charles F. Sabel – Morris T Moore Professor of Law, Columbia University. He was formerly Ford International Professor of social science in the Department of Political Science, M.I.T. and a MacArthur Prize fellow. His research focuses on public innovations, European Union governance, economic development and ultra-robust networks.

Jane Treadwell World Bank Government Strategy and Transformation Global ICT Sector, Director Jane Treadwell Consulting Pty  Ltd

Nicholas Gruen Founder and CEO of Lateral Economics, Chairman of the Australian Centre for Social Innovation

Travers McLeod Newly appointed Chief Executive Officer, Centre for Policy Development

More information:

Charles F Sabel –


To book please email: by 16 February


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