Unions NSW: Community conversation on the role of government | Sydney, 15 April 2014

ACTU Role of Govt community conversation participantsStakeholders discuss ‘public goods’ deficit

CPD’s Christopher Stone joined the discussion between unions, academics, community organisations and other interested members of the community who were invited to attend a Community Conversation on the Role of Government, organised by the ACTU Organising Centre.

Speakers included: Dr John Buchanan (University of Sydney), Professor John Quiggin (University of Queensland and CPD fellow), Cassandra Goldie, (ACOSS), Karen Batt (CPSU – SPSF), Nadine Flood (CPSU and CPD Board), and Ged Kearney (ACTU).

The event resulted in an an excellent discussion document, which recognised that:Role of government from community conversation 15 April 2014 – FINAL

“Government is the chief means by which people come together to achieve what they cannot achieve individually, for the collective good… The truly serious deficit confronting Australia is a ‘public goods’ deficit, and unless we address the issue of revenue, this deficit will worsen…”

Next steps for the group include plans to re-convene regularly for further discussion.

Read Anna Patty’s account for The Sydney Morning Herald