Pascal Lamy: ‘Now for the Long Term’ | Sydney, 28 May

Pascal Lamy event sidebarBOOKED OUT: CPD presents a public lecture with Pascal Lamy

The ability to address today’s global challenges is undermined by the absence of a collective vision for society. We urge leaders to establish shared global values to protect the prospects for future generations. – Pascal Lamy

CPD is partnering with the UTS Business School, for the Australian launch of Now for the Long Term, the report of the Oxford Martin Commission for Future Generations chaired by Pascal Lamy, former Director General of the World Trade Organization.

The Centre for Policy Development is delighted to announce that it will host Pascal Lamy for a series of events and meetings in major Australian cities in May. This speaking tour will provide insights for business, government and community leaders about challenges that are reshaping the global landscape and on which action appears gridlocked.

Public Lecture: Aerial Function Centre, 12-2pm Wednesday 28 May

Mr Lamy will speak on the following topic: “Now for the long term: addressing the global governance deficit”. The lecture will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Monica Barone, the CEO of City of Sydney, and Geoff Gallop, former premier of Western Australia. The programme will also include questions from the audience.


Aerial UTS Function Centre, Ultimo, Sydney


Wednesday 28 May, 12-2:00pm Light lunchtime refreshments will be available to suit most dietary requirements

Registration/further information

This is a free event, but registration is essential.

We have had a great response, and no more tickets are available. We will post updates as the become available.

About the speaker

Pascal Lamy began his career in the French civil service before becoming an advisor to Finance Minister Jacques Delors, and then Prime Minister Pierre Mauroy. From 1985 to 1994, he was Chief of Staff for the President of the European Commission, Jacques Delors, and his representative as Sherpa in the G7. In November 1994, he joined the team in charge of rescuing Credit Lyonnais, and later became CEO of the bank until its privatisation in 1999. Between 1999 and 2004, Pascal Lamy was Commissioner for Trade at the European Commission under Romano Prodi. He is currently an honorary President of independent think tank Notre Europe, based in Paris. He holds degrees from the Paris based Ecole des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC), the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (IEP) and the Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA).

The Oxford Martin Commission for Future Generations gathered 19 international leaders from government, business, academia, media and civil society to address the growing short-term preoccupations of modern politics and business and identify ways of overcoming gridlock on challenges confronting countries around the world. Its report, Now for the Long Term, calls for a radical shake-up in politics and business to embed long-term thinking, and provides practical recommendations for action in order to create a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable future. Since its launch in October 2013, Now for the Long Term has been downloaded over 850,000 times in more than 150 countries.

Until joining CPD as CEO in 2014, Travers McLeod worked for the Oxford Martin Commission as a Policy Adviser and remains an Associate of the Oxford Martin School. The Australian launch, generously hosted by UTS Business School, will be accompanied by a public lecture from Mr Lamy, will take place on Wednesday, 28 May at the Aerial UTS Function Centre in Sydney.



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