Age Australia fair?
CPD Chief Executive Travers McLeod keynote: Making an Australia for all ages – what’s the plan?
COTA Australia is the peak national organisation representing the rights, needs and interests of older Australians. Hosted by the National Policy Council, COTA’s Forums are high level strategic events that explore the opportunities and challenges that face older Australians as they seek to participate in our community.
It is expected that by 2056 one in four people living in Australia will be over the age of 65 and 1.8 million of them will be over 85.
What this means has been the subject of much public debate and this year’s Federal Budget includes a number of measures that ask significant sacrifices of older Australians to manage this future.
COTA Australia sees the need for a more integrated approach.
This forum will bring together the key thinkers, in this space, to focus on how ready Australia is to harness the potential and meet the challenge of our rapidly ageing society.
National Press Club of Australia, National Circuit, Barton, ACT | map
22 July 2014
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