Jobs Australia Conference 2014 | 27 August, Melbourne

Travers McLeod smilingAt the Crossroads: The Future of Employment & Community Services.  

This year’s Jobs Australia National Conference focused on issues affecting the survival of community sector organisations, which are facing the challenges of marketisation, competition and restructuring.

How should CEOs, senior managers and board members tools and strategies for coping with change, making sound business decisions and understanding the nature of future financing arrangements?

How can not-for-profit leaders best implement their mission of helping Australia’s most disadvantaged people to achieve their potential?

A diverse keynote and plenary program, with practical and interactive workshops to follow, was designed to ‘invigorate and inspire’ good answers.

Travers McLeod will join a panel moderated by broadcaster Adam Spencer, with John Falzon of St Vincent de Paul and Sonia Martin from RMIT, discussing ‘The future of welfare’.

Jobs Aust headerWhere

Grand Hyatt, Melbourne – 123 Collins Street, Melbourne


9am Wednesday, 27 August – 4pm Thursday, 28 August

Who should attend?

Decision makers at all levels in all community organisations impacted by government policy and funding changes will benefit from the Conference.

The program will offer CEOs, senior managers and board members the tools and strategies necessary to enable you to cope with change, make sound business decisions, and understand the nature of future financing arrangements.

More information

Visit the conference website

Conference Program now available


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