The Conversation | 30 October 2014

The Conversation logoLike eating fish? It’s time to start caring where it comes from.

Carissa Klein, Postdoctoral research fellow in conservation biology at The University of Queensland, investigates sustainability in seafood, citing CPD’s recent study, Net advantage: securing our fisheries management.

The health of the world’s oceans and its fisheries are in decline, and this applies to one of Australia’s most precious icons, the Great Barrier Reef. Although there a range of actions required to reverse this decline, one simple thing that anyone can do is stop eating unsustainable seafood…

To be a true leader, Australians will need to make some serious modifications to the seafood market to ensure that it is more sustainable. As stated by the Centre for Policy Development’s recent report on fisheries management, “Australia could be a leader in sustainable seafood production”.

But first we have to care what’s on our plate.

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