The Wire | 19 November 2014

Centre for Policy Development CEO, Travers McLeod, joins Shannon Kilgariff on The Wire to discuss the government’s recent decision to deny refugees who have applied for UNHCR status in Indonesia resettlement in Australia after 1 July 2014. Travers told The Wire:

Travers McLeod

What it also does though, which is problematic, is to rule out Australia as a resettlement option for those refugees that try do so through the UNHCR, through that orderly and managed process. And I think that there are grounds to be concerned by ruling that out as an option or ruling Australia out as a resettlement option by people that are following those correct processes within Indonesia. What it will mean is that it will shift the burden to other countries in the region to be resettlement options.

The Wire was also joined by Paul Power, CEO of Refugee Council Australia, and Scott Morrison, the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection. The interview continues CPDs strong support for a long-term and overarching asylum and refugee policy system. Earlier this month CPD, Australia21 and the Andrew & Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law launched “Beyond the boats”, a report that outlines a nine-point framework for a future asylum policy.


You can listen to The Wire story here.

Find the Beyond the boats report here.


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