High-Level Social Service Delivery Roundtable | 10 March 2015

IMG_7056 -resizeAt the University of Melbourne on Tuesday 10th March, CPD hosted a high-level roundtable to explore some of the more challenging aspects of designing and implementing welfare services to assist vulnerable Australians.

Roundtable attendees came from a wide range of academic institutions, community sector, public sector, peak bodies and service providers, including:

  • Ged Kearney (ACTU),
  • Professor Peter Shergold (University of Sydney),
  • Professor Gary Sturgess (ANZOG),
  • The Melbourne School of Government,
  • ACOSS,
  • Boston Consulting Group,
  • Jobs Australia,
  • Job Futures,
  • The Able Movement,
  • National Disability Insurance Agency,
  • Numerous national charitable service providers, and
  • Departmental representatives from the federal and state levels.

The day-long event was kicked off by a dynamic and rousing keynote address on the big picture of social service delivery from former MP for Melbourne and federal Minister, Lindsay Tanner. The roundtable marks the next stage of research for the Effective Government program, with exciting projects to follow after the event.
