CPD’s Secret Santas for Australia | December 2015

To get into the festive spirit this December, CPD has asked 12 prominent Australians to participate in our ‘Secret Santa‘ series.




Each day, one of our guest writers will offer a ‘gift’ of fresh thinking and good policy ideas on an issue close to their heart. By mid-December, when each of our Santas has been revealed, we hope that they will have offered a collective present to Australia’s future – or at least, a thought-provoking summer reading pack for people prepared to think big for 2016 and beyond!

One new contribution will be published each day by The Huffington Post Australia, as well as appearing on CPD’s website. Keep an eye on our Twitter feed and Facebook for updates.

Each piece will appear below as they are published, with the full set available here.


December 1: The gift of belonging to Australia’s future – Yassmin Abdel-Magied


December 2: Learning to think for ourselves is the most powerful gift of all – Lord Robert May

Bob May Facebook

December 3: Gender equality can’t be a token gift – Helen Szoke

Helen Szoke Facebook

December 4: Gifting a sustainable food future requires a radical rethink – Richard McLellan

Richard Facebook

December 7: Recognition – the greatest gift for all Australia’s childrenTanya Hosch

Tanya Twitter

December 8: Universities – translating the gift of good ideas across society at large – Glyn Davis

Glyn Davis

December 9: Giving people with a disability the opportunity to shine – Fiona Sharkie

Fiona Twitter

December 10: A new strategy for corporate Australia’s gifts to the arts – Janet Holmes à Court

Janet Twitter

December 11: Protecting human rights is not a gift Jennifer Robinson

Jen Robinson Twitter

December 14: Resilient cities will be critical gifts for Australia’s future – Clover Moore

Clover Twitter

December 15: Gifting more resources to transform mental healthPatrick McGorry

Pat Twitter

December 15: Genuine ‘excitement’ requires gifted policy – Travers McLeod

