CPD welcomes Terry Moran AC as new Chairperson

Today CPD is delighted to announce that Terry Moran AC will become our new Chairperson.

Terry brings unrivalled depth of experience in making long-term public policy for Australia. His record speaks for itself – not least his time as Secretary of the Commonwealth Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet from 2008 to 2011. Terry will be the second former PM&C Secretary to lead our board, following CPD’s founder and inaugural chair John Menadue.

Media coverage 

Terry spoke with the Australian Financial Review’s Political Editor Laura Tingle about the importance of long-term policy development and his ambitions for CPD: Terry Moran’s insider view of how governments stuff things up.

His appointment was also covered in The Mandarin: Moran sticks with policy, joins CPD.

Terry discussed his appointment on RN’s Late Night Live with Phillip Adams, and was interviewed by Geraldine Doogue on Radio National on 2 April.



Terry has followed CPD’s activities with great interest over several years. He is motivated by the challenge of helping CPD to expand its policy expertise and influence, working alongside CPD’s core team and the talented and passionate members of our Board, Research Committee and Fellowship.

“I am delighted to join CPD when the need for a thoughtful focus on Australia’s long term future and our evolving national interest is greater than ever.”


“CPD fills a vital space in Australian policy life, demonstrated by the success of its Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration and its recent work on public sector capability and climate security. I want to help CPD continue to grow and share my experience in policy development with CPD’s foresight on the key policy challenges of this century. These include ensuring effective government, expanding opportunity and social justice, building a sustainable economy, and embracing Australia’s role in the Asia.” Terry Moran AC

Press release: Terry Moran AC joins CPD as Chair

With Terry’s stewardship, we look forward to building on strong momentum in the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration, our climate security policy development, and our work on public sector capability and services for Australia’s most vulnerable people. His insights and those of our broader community of experts will also be crucial to driving new work for 2016, including research on the role of business in creating sustainable value for the community.


