Levelling the education playing field – media coverage of our latest report

CPD’s latest report Uneven playing field: the state of Australia’s schools and its call for a revitalisation of the Gonski agenda for needs-based school funding attracted widespread attention and coverage.


You can read and hear more about the report through the links below.

Print and online

Federal aid for private schools to outstrip funding for similar state schools‘, Gareth Hutchens, The Guardian.

Private school students to receive $100 more in government funds than public students by 2020‘, Timna Jacks and Matthew Knot, Sydney Morning Herald/The Age.

Election 2016: Harsh truths for both sides on school funding, but we’ll just muddle on‘, Matthew Knot, Sydney Morning Herald/The Age.

Private schools the big winners from taxpayer funding‘, Leith van Onselen, Macrobusiness.

Schools out during the long election campaign‘, Chris Bonnor and Bernie Shepherd, Inside Story.


Co-author Chris Bonnor discussed the report on Mornings with Jon Faine on ABC Radio in Melbourne.


Chris also appeared on Channel 7’s The Morning Show on 2 June and on Sky’s Newsday with Ashley Gillon on 3 June.

