Fellow Mark Triffitt reviews the kaleidoscopic nature of our new Parliament

CPD Fellow Mark Triffitt takes a look at the new makeup of the 45th Parliament of Australia and the increasingly insular and predictable nature of federal politics.

For The Conversation, Mark describes an uninspiring vision of the coming term of federal politics. We are likely to see Parliament “achieve little of real policy substance” or meaningful social change and an increase in more combative political party tactics. This will lead to even lower public perceptions of political leadership and widespread disillusionment and disconnection with politics. If steps are not taken to avoid this negativity and dysfunction we may enter a phase of politics where representation of independent and minor parties will increase to a point of an unworkable political kaleidoscope. However, despite this grim outlook, Mark poses ways in which our national politicians can lead the way in rejuvenating our democracy.

Read Mark’s analysis here.