CEO Travers McLeod talks forced migration and refugee intakes on RN ‘Drive’

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  • CEO Travers McLeod talks forced migration and refugee intakes on RN ‘Drive’

On Wednesday night, Travers McLeod was invited on to the Radio National Drive Programme to discuss the recent high-level meetings on refugees and migrants.

Travers spoke with Jonathan Green about the role Australia played at the UN Summit for Refugees and Barack Obama’s Leaders Summit on Refugees. After unpacking the announcements made by PM Turnbull on Australia’s contributions to this emerging problem, Travers points out that little of the debate in New York summits was focused on our region. The attention of domestic and international leaders and policy makers needs to shift to the Asia Pacific, which will be threatened greatly by forced and irregular migration in the coming decades. The Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration will have a significant role to play in the future of our regional security and relations.

Listen to their conversation here.

Read more about the latest meeting of the Asia Dialogue on Forced Migration here.

Image credit: Jake Nowakowski News Corp Australia.

