Fellow Ian Dunlop calls for political-climate honesty and responsibility

As Federal Parliament wraps up for 2016, we’ve witnessed another year of dismal, polarising discussion of climate change. Instead of talking about the energy, health, economic and security implications of climate change, the political debate still often fixates on whether it is real or not.

Throughout 2016, our Fellow for Climate and Energy Policy, Ian Dunlop, has tried to raise the standard of public debate on climate change. In June he joined a growing number of prominent Australians to sign the Climate Emergency Declaration to call for urgent government action.

In his latest op-ed he shows the tangible impacts of climate change across the world, and argues that the Paris Agreement is no panacea for the array of climate challenges we face, including energy security. Ian also argues that in a real sense, we are approaching the point-of-no-return and identifies the projects that must be halted to begin working towards our international and moral commitments to climate change action.

Read Ian’s op-ed here.


Image credit: Mining.com