Join CPD Fellow Ian Dunlop and call for more urgent climate action now

Screen Shot 2017-05-19 at 4.23.36 pmFor almost two decades, CPD Fellow Ian Dunlop has been a powerful voice advocating for both a better understanding of climate science as well as for more urgent, robust policy responses from government. His expertise and policy work have been recognised at home and abroad.

In May 2015, Ian was part of the first Rome Symposium on Climate Change, an initiative of the Nobel Prize winner Michail Gorbachev, Fondazione Italiani and the New Policy Forum. It provided advice to the Vatican prior to its release of the Pope’s Encyclical, “Laudato Si”. This became a highly influential statement helping to create a consensus for action ahead of COP21 in Paris.

The Rome Symposium convened for a second time this May, attended by 20 experts from all over the world under the direction of Martin Lees, former secretary general of the Club of Rome and delegate to United Nations COP conferences.

The experts examined the rigor of the climate science and discussed what future decarbonisation strategies should look like across the world. They also published a declaration asking for international support for better policies tackling this most pernicious challenge.

Their overall advice is clear, ‘The future of humanity is at stake. We need transformational change now’You can read their full statement about the urgency of climate change here, and sign to show your support.

You can also read the latest op-ed from Ian, on the long-term effects of the Adani coal mine in Queensland.