Help unlock Australia’s potential – “$50 for 2017” appeal

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CPD fills a big gap in Australian policy-making

The political landscape of the past year could hardly have been more tumultuous at home and abroad. Throughout this uncertainty, CPD made a big difference to policy development in Australia and the region.

You may know our major successes. We advocated for fairness and equity for all children in our schools. We made the case for corporations and investors to take climate change seriously in commercial decisions. We facilitated the governments in our region to work together to better handle forced migration. With a small team, we did all this and much more.

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We fill a big gap in the policy landscape in this country. Our work is valuable to the public because we pick up the policy challenges others put in the too-hard basket. We don’t ignore evidence, we build it. And we don’t get put off by partisanship, we get the right people in the room to break through it.

In 2017, CPD turns ten years old, and we want to ensure our second decade is even more influential than our first. On our tenth anniversary we’ll be discussing ways to reinvigorate Australian democracy and people’s confidence in government.

Please help us do more – we gratefully ask that you contribute $50 to CPD. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Your support allows us to make an even bigger impact throughout this next decade, for the benefit of all of us.


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